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Teaching Staff
Name of faculty
IMR number
Current Designation and Date of Promotion
Nature of employment
Regular/Permanent or Contract / Outsourced
Details of service in last 5 years
Number of lectures taken/ year. Topic covered
MBBS, MD Pediatrics
MMC /51773
Professor and Head
As per syllabus
MBBS, MD Pediatrics
MMC/ 075548
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
As per syllabus
Dr. Deepak Madavi
MBBS, MD Pediatrics
MMC/ 090677
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
As per syllabus
MBBS, MD Pediatrics
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
As per syllabus
MBBS, MD Pediatrics
MCI- 12/46362
Assistant Professor
Senior Resident
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
As per syllabus
MBBS, MD Pediatrics
MCI- 12/44880
Assistant .Professor
Contract (Temp)
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
As per syllabus
MBBS, MD Pediatrics
MMC/ 2014/08/3973
Assistant Professor
Contract (Temp)
Junior Resident
Junior Resident
Senior Resident
Senior Resident
Assistant Professor
As per syllabus
MBBS, MD Pediatrics
DMC/ 80518
Assistant Professor
Contract (Temp)
Junior Resident
Senior Resident
Senior Resident
Senior Resident
Assistant Professor
As per syllabus
Non Teaching Staff
Full Name of the worker
Mrs Varsha Vase
Mrs Manisha Biriya
Mr Ashok Jog
Research Projects, Publications & Presentations
Faculty name
Publication in Vancouver referencing Style.
PubMed Indexed Yes/NO
- “Role of Vitamin E in Rhematic Chorea”. In Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Vol.67, Number 8, Aug 2000
- “ Acute febrile encephalopathy in children and predictors of mortality”.Journal of clinical and Diagnostic research. Vol-8(8): PC09-PC11, Aug 2014
- “ Predictors of mortality in children due to severe and very severe pneumonia”. Nigerian medical journal.Vol-56: issue 4, July –Aug 2015, page 287
- “ Clinical image-Urogenital sinus and phallus and accessory phallic urethra presented as disorder of sex differenciation”. Journal of neonatal surgery, 2014;3(1): 15
- “ Case report- Peters plus syndrome-like phenotype”. Journal of clinical neonatology. Accessed from www.jcnweb.com on Monday, April 08/2015
- “Retrospective study of MLC’s in tertiary care centre in Nagpur during last 1 ½ year. International Journal of recent trends in Science and Technology. ISSN-2277-2812-E-ISSN-2249-8109,Vol- 16, issue-2, 2015
- “ Clinical profile of childhood GuillainBarre Syndrome. International Journal of Pediatric Research. 25 june 2016, Vol- 3, issue 6
- “ Study of Hepatic dysfunction in Dengue fever and its predictors of outcome”. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. PP 1360, Vol-7363 issue 9 sep 2016
- “Seasonal variation in childhood GuillainBarre Syndrome in central India.” Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatal Care. 2016
- “Medication prescribing pattern in Pediatric Diarrhea with focus on Zinc supplements.” 2016, International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases. Nov 29, 2016, IP; 42. 106. 7. 150
- “Clinical profile and outcome of snakebite in children”. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics. Int- J ContempPediatr. 2017 May;4 (3): 910-914
- “ Study of Hepatobiliary Involvement in children with Sickle Cell Disease. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol(3), issue(3),2018
- “Morbidity and Mortality patterns among outborn referral neonates in central India: Prospective Observational Study.” Journal of Clinical Neonatology, 2018
- “Risk Factors for mortality in birth asphyxia of outborn neonates: A prospective Observational Study”. Shrilankan Journal of child health,2019;48(1):26-32
- “Study of toxicity of Hydroxyurea therapy in children of Sickle cell disease aged 5-18 yrs”.International Journal of scientific research, 2020, vol-9,issue-12
- CM Bokade, MilindSuryawanshi , BhagyashreeTirpude , LeenaDhande , “ Outcome of COVID-19 positive neonates born to mothers with SARS – CoV-2 infection: case series “ Indian journal of neonatal medicine and research.20-2021 jul, volume 9 (3) , page no 1-6
- Anjali Parikh, LeenaDhande ;Clinical profile of painful crisis in hospitalised children of Sickle cell anemia.Int J of Contemporary Pediatrics, vol 3, issue 3, Aug 2016.
- LeenaDhande, Krishna Khairnar;Re-emergence of swine flu in central India, Indian Pediatrics,vol 52, pg 77, Jan 2015.
- AshishLothe, LeenaDhande ;Griscelli syndrome- A unique pigmentary defect. International Journal of Science and Research, vol 4, Issue 5, pp742-4, May 2015.
- RajendraSadanandKorde, Leena Ajay Dhande, ManishaLaxmanBendhari, Archana B Patel ; Can Re-training in Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) improve breast feeding indicators? Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 24 Aug,2015.
- Archana B. Patel, Akash Bang, Meenu Singh, LeenaDhande, Luke Ravi Chelliah, Ashraf Malik, SandhyaKhadse, and ISPOT Study Group. A randomized controlled trial of hospital versus home based therapy with oral amoxicillin for severe pneumonia in children aged 3-59 months: The IndiaCLEN Severe Pneumonia Oral Therapy (ISPOT) study;BMC Pediatrics 2015, 15:186
- Patel AB, Dhande LA, Pusdekar YV, Borkar JA, Badhoniya NB, Hibberd PL; Childhood illness in households using biomass fuels in India: Secondary data analysis of nationally representative national family health surveys ;Int J Occup Environ Health. 2013 Jan- Mar , 19 (1): 35-42.
- Patel A, KuhiteP,Puranik A, Khan S, Borkar J, Dhande L“Effectiveness of weekly cell phone counseling calls and daily text messages to improve breastfeeding indicators” BMC Pediatrics (2018) 18:337.
- Archana Patel, LeenaDhande, M.S. Rawat ;Economic evaluation of zinc and copper use in treating acute diarrhea in children: A randomized controlled trial; Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 2003; 1:7
- Archana Patel, LeenaBhonsle, M.S. Rawat; Therapeutic and economic evaluation of trace minerals in acute diarrhea in children ; Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, Supplement 1, 51, 225;1997.
- Archana B Patel, Leena A Dhande, Manwar S Rawat.”Therapeutic Evaluation of Zinc And Copper Supplementation In Acute Diarrhoea In Children”: Double Blind Randomized Trial. Orignal Article, Indian Pediatrics 05/2005 ; 42(5): 433-42.
- leenaDhande, PoojaNagrale, Hariharlambat.“Obsevational study of bacteremia in febrile children with Sickle cell disease versus without Sickle cell Disease”. International journal of medical science and current research, Vol-3, issue-1 page no.258-266.2020.
- LeenaDhande, KirankumarWaghmare,“Elevated maternal blood Lead level: a risk factor for LBW-An Observational study. J Nepal Paediatric Soc.2020;40(2):100-6
- CM Bokade, MilindSuryawanshi , BhagyashreeTirpude , LeenaDhande , “ Outcome of COVID-19 positive neonates born to mothers with SARS – CoV-2 infection: case series “indian journal of neonatal medicine and research.20-2021 jul, volume 9 (3) , page no 1-6
Dr. Deepak Madavi
- DipakMadavi, Farookh Aziz ; A study on Association Between Crp And Blood Culture in Neonatal Sepsis; Indian Journal of applied research. Volume5 issue 3 March 2015 , 63-65
- DipakMadavi, Farookh Aziz; Clinico- Bactrological profile and antibiotic sensitivityof Neonatal septicaemia – a prospective observational study; International journal of current research and review . Mach 15,volume 7, issue 5 , 13-20.
- DipakMadavi,”Clinico-etiologicalprofile of bacterial infections in children with Sickle cell Anemia”. International journal of Research and review ,Vol-5,issue 11, Nov 2018, page104-110
- DipakMadavi, MilindSuryawanshi,” Study of Diabetic peripheral neuropathy in children having type 1 Diabetes Mellitus”,International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-7,issue 11, Sep2018
- DipakMadavi, BhagyashreeTirpude, SantoshDaberao,” Prevalence of early onset neonatal septicemia in babies born to mother with pre-eclampsia”, International Journal of Pediatric Research, Vol-6, Issue-3, Mearch2019.
- MilindSuryawanshi, DipakMadavi,” Association of febrile seizure with hyponatremia- A prospective study”, Global journal of research analysis, 15 sep 2019.
- DipakMadavi, Bhagyashree.Tirpude,” Outcome in neonates born to mother with pre-eclampsia”,Medpulse International journal of Pediatrics. Nov 2019;12(2);34-39
- DipakMadavi, ShamamaSubuhi,” Prevalence and etiology of neonatal thrombocytopenia in tertiary care NICU”,Indian journal of research, Vol-8, issue-9, sep-2019
- MilindSuryawanshi, DipakMadavi,” Association of febrile seizure with hyponatremia- A prospective study”, Global journal of research analysis, 15 sep 2019
- DipakMadavi, ShamamaSubuhi, BhagyashreeTirpude,”Study of neonatal thrombocytopenia in tertiary care NICU”. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research,2021;4(4):143-147
- DipakMadavi, Bhagyashree.Tirpude, Dr.ShamamaSubuhi, Clinico-etiological profile of acute febrile illness in children with sickle cell anemia” international journal of medical science and current research”sep-oct 2021,volume 4 (5) ,page no 379-385.
11.Dipak Madavi, Bhagyashree.Tirpude, Dr.ShamamaSubuhi, Clinico-etiological profile of acute febrile illness in children with sickle cell anemia” international journal of medical science and current research”sep-oct 2021,volume 4 (5) ,page no 379-385.
- Dr.ShamamaSubuhi ,Dr.DeepakMadavi , Dr.AhammedThameemMP.”Study of Maternal and socio economic factors in relation with low Vitamin D levels in Infant” International journal of medical science and innovative research, November 2021, Vol -6 (6) page no 19-25
- DipakMadavi, MilindSuryawanshi,” Study of Diabetic peripheral neuropathy in children having type 1 Diabetes Mellitus”,International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-7,issue 11, Sep2018
- TusharSonawane, MilindSuryawanshi,” Study of Corelation of cord blood bilirubib with neonatal hyperbilirubinemia”,International Journal of Scientific Research,Vol-4,Issue-8,2015
- MilindSuryawanshi, SagarSonawane,” Role of CSF analysis in the first episode of febrile seizure- A descriptive Study”,International Journal of Scientific Research,Vol-4,issue-6, 2015
- MJ Khan, MilindSuryawanshi,”Role of Clindamycin in complicated P.FalciparumMalaria”,Global journal of research analysis,Vol-5, issue-4, 2016
- MJ Khan, MilindSuryawanshi,”Pneumothorax among patient admitted to Pediatric intensive care- A Retrospective study”,Global journal of research analysis,Vol-5, issue-10, 2016
- MilindSuryawanshi, DipakMadavi,” Association of febrile seizure with hyponatremia- A prospective study”, Global journal of research analysis, 15 sep 2019.
- “Study of toxicity of Hydroxyurea therapy in children of Sickle cell disease aged 5-18 yrs”.International Journal of scientific research, 2020, vol-9,issue-12
- “ Study of correlation between radiological findings on Xray and Clinical finding in pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumonia”.International Journal of scientific research, vol-9, issue-10
- CM Bokade, MilindSuryawanshi ,BhagyashreeTirpude , LeenaDhande , “ Outcome of COVID-19 positive neonates born to mothers with SARS – CoV-2 infection: case series “ indian journal of neonatal medicine and research.20-2021 jul, volume 9 (3) , page no 1-6 .
- ManojBhatnagar, ShamamaSubuhi,” Prevalence of Hypovitaminosis D in full term appropriate for Gestational age exclusively breastfed neonates in Central India”, Indian Journal of applied research,,Vol -5,issue-7, July2015
- DipakMadavi, ShamamaSubuhi,” Prevalence and etiology of neonatal thrombocytopenia in tertiary care NICU”,Indian journal of research, Vol-8, issue-9, sep-2019
- DipakMadavi, ShamamaSubuhi, BhagyashreeTirpude,”Study of neonatal thrombocytopenia in tertiary care NICU”. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research,2021;4(4):143-147
- Dr.ShamamaSubuhi ,Dr.DeepakMadavi , Dr.AhammedThameemMP.”Study of Maternal and socio economic factors in relation with low Vitamin D levels in Infant” International journal of medical science and innovative research, November 2021, Vol -6 (6) page no 19-25
- DipakMadavi, Bhagyashree.Tirpude, Dr.ShamamaSubuhi,”Clinico-etiological profile of acute febrile illness in children with sickle cell anemia” international journal of medical science and current research”sep-oct 2021,volume 4 (5) ,page no 379-385.
- DipakMadavi, BhagyashreeTirpude, SantoshDaberao,” Prevalence of early onset neonatal septicemia in babies born to mother with pre-eclampsia”, International Journal of Pediatric Research, Vol-6, Issue-3, Mearch2019.
- DipakMadavi, Bhagyashree.Tirpude,” Outcome in neonates born to mother with pre-eclampsia”,Medpulse International journal of Pediatrics. Nov 2019;12(2);34-39
- DipakMadavi, ShamamaSubuhi, BhagyashreeTirpude,”Study of neonatal thrombocytopenia in tertiary care NICU”. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research,2021;4(4):143-147
- CM Bokade, MilindSuryawanshi , BhagyashreeTirpude , LeenaDhande , “ Outcome of COVID-19 positive neonates born to mothers with SARS – CoV-2 infection: case series “ indian journal of neonatal medicine and research.20-2021 jul, volume 9 (3) , page no 1-6
- DipakMadavi, Bhagyashree.Tirpude, Dr.ShamamaSubuhi,”Clinico-etiological profile of acute febrile illness in children with sickle cell anemia” international journal of medical science and current research”sep-oct 2021,volume 4 (5) ,page no 379-385.
1.ShilpaKulkarni, PriyankaMeshram.”Cardiac Assessment In Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy” International journal of health and clinical research. 2021;Jun, volume 4 (11), page no 1-4.
Paediatrics neuromuscular
- Alim M, Verma N, Kumar A, Pooniya V, Abdul Rahman R. Etio-Hematological Profile and Clinical Correlates of Outcome of Pancytopenia in Children: Experience From a Tertiary Care Center in North India. Cureus. 2021 Jun;13(6):e15382. PMID: 34249535; PMCID: PMC8253459
2. Alim M, Rahman RA, Goel P. Replacement Blood Donation Denials in Children: A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2021 May 1;15(5).
3. Yadav RK, Alim M, Yadav YS, Singh DK, Kumar A. Retrospective Study of Children with Scorpion Envenomation in a Tertiary Care Center of North India. Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology. 2020 Sep 1;9(3):91-6.
4. Gupta UK, Rahman RA, Alim M, Goel P, Singh SK, Aggarwal R. Symptomatic Omphalomesentric Duct Anomalies in Children: Analysis from a Paediatric Surgery Department Catering Primarily to the Rural Population. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2020 Oct 1;14(10).
5. Rahman RA, Gupta UK, Agrawal S, Goel P, Alim M. Diversity of spectrum and management of animal-inflicted injuries in the pediatric age group: a prospective study from a pediatric surgery department catering primarily to the rural population. Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons. 2020 Jul;25(4):225.
6. Chaudhary A, Alim M, Rahman RA, Gupta UK. Firearm injuries in children: An unrecognized menace: Four‑year experience from a rural tertiary care center of Northern India. Niger J Surg 2021.
7. Alim M, Chandra D, Singh R, Kashyap R. Recurrent seizures in a neonate with intracranial hemorrhage and congenital factor VII deficiency: A missed diagnosis. Journal of Clinical Neonatology. 2020 Oct 1;9(4):300.
Conferences, CME & Workshop
Sr. No.
Name of Conferences, CME & Workshop
National conf/international conf/CME/Workshops
Pediatric advanced life support
2017, 2018
International child neurology Congress conference, Mumbai
Hematology Conference
PICC,Books to bedside
Workshops in PEDICON
Local CME conf/workshops
Research Methodology workshop
RNTCP updatefor Pediatrician
Hands on assessment and simulation workshop on paediatric emergencies
Guest Lecture
Technical issues of lactation/breastfeeding by Dr. Pratibha Masih
Chronic Abdominal Pain by Dr. Yogesh Waikar
Allergic Practice in Pediatrics by Dr Manoj K Nagarjun, Head of Department, Department of Allergy, Savita University
Number of chaired sessions at conf/CME
Neonatal sepsis and shock guideline- Dr Milind Suryawanshi
Renal replacement therapy in Sepsis-Dr Dipak Madavi
Ethics in PICU- Dr Dipak Madavi
- Awards, Achievements & Prizes by Faculty/ Students in last 5 years
Awards, Achievements & Prizes
Sr No.
Award/ Prize Type
(National or International)
Award/ Prize Name)
Awardee/ Patente
Award Year
Descriptions of Awards/ Prizes
1st Runner up
IAP quiz Divisional round
1st Runner up
PG quiz, Mahapedicon
IAP quiz Divisional round
- Extramural Grants
Extramural Grants
Sr No
Project Title
Role (PI or Co-PI/Coordinator or Co-Investigator
Funding Agency Name
Pregcovid (National Regsitry of pregnant women with Covid 19 in India) is a study of pregnant women and women in post partum period with SARS-CoV2 infection
2 yrs
Dr CM Bokade
(Co investigator)
Dr Milind Suryawanshi
Clinical trial registry of IndiaCTRI/2020/05/025423
- Achievements
- Extracurricular Activity
- PG Dissertation Topics
- PG Dissertation Topics
Sr No.
Name of PG Students
PG Guide
Dissertation Topic
Dr Nikita Singh
Dr.CM Bokade
Study of outcome of very low birth weight new born admitted in neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital
Dr. Jayshree Sawle
Dr. Leena Dhande
Anthropometric parameters for identification of low birth weight in newborn within 24 hours of life
Dr. Thameem Ahmad
Dr. Dipak Madavi
A study on ROP in government tertiary care hospital in central India
Dr. Spurti Kulkarni
Dr CM Bokade
Study of Severe nutritional anemia in young hospital children 1-5 yrs of age
Dr .Prerna Gabanoor
Dr. Leena Dhande
Study of risk factors for hearing loss in high risk neonates
Dr Nivedita Kadam
Dr Dipak Madavi
Clinicobacteriological study of sepsis in VLBW neonates in tertiary care NICU in central India
Dr Anvesha Singh
Dr CM Bokade
Clinical profile of acute events in children admitted in a tertiary care hospital
Dr Pallavi Ramkrishnan
Dr CM Bokade
Clinical profile and outcome of septic shock in children admitted in PICU of tertiary care hospital
Dr Piyusha Tithe
Dr. LA Dhande
Risk factors for deranged renal function in term asphyxiated newborn babies
Dr Manoj Joshi
Dr Dipak Madavi
Study of risk factors and outcome of hypoglycemia in neonates admitted in NICU of a tertiary care hospital in central India
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Indira Gandhi Government Medical College & Hospital, C.A. Road, Nagpur , India. Phone : 0712 2725423
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